Cheryl Cieslinski, CPCFT, CTDI All-Star Trainer of the Year, Stunt Dog Judge, Certified Canine Conditioning Couch, All-Stars – TC, Pedestal Certified Trainer, CGC/Trick Dog Evaluator, CPE Agility Judge, UKC Senior Supervising Agility Judge
Cheryl has been involved with dogs her entire life. It was not until 2001 however, when she became the proud owner of Jug Head, a rescue basset hound, that she learned of her desire to work with dogs on a different level. After all, Jug Head was quiet the handful. After seeking out a basic obedience class, she became even more interested and the rest is history. Jug Head led her down the path to teaching basic obedience, agility and now trick class on both a group and private level. She is an active member of the Basset Hound Club of America (BHCA), a Canine Good Citizen Evaluator (CGC), a Do More With Your Dog Certified Trick Dog Instructor (CTDI) and an All-Star Performance Dog Team Caption. This is in addition to being a Senior Supervising Agility Judge for UKC and an Agility Judge for Canine Performance Events (CPE). And previously judging agility for UKI and TDAA. She recently was named an All-Star Trainer of the Year thru Do More With Your Dog.
In 2019 she has began presenting seminars and workshops about Trick Dog and Stunt Dog Training.
Cheryl’s canine family includes:
Xena – CT-ATCH9 Soundtrack’s Warrior Princess “Xena” ABIT, AKC STAR Puppy, RN, NFP, CTL1, CTL2, CTL3, CTL4, TChFU, TChJP, TChJU, TChWC, TChSN, TChCL, TChST, 2014 CPE Nationals Qualifier, NTD, ITD, ATD, 2014 CPE Nationals – 6th Place 12” Enth Games, RN, 2015 CPE Nationals Qualifier, 2016 CPE Nationals Qualifier, 2017 CPE Nationals Qualifier, 2016 BHCA HIT, 2016 BHCA High Combined
CT-ATCH2 Josie – The Outlaw Josie Wales “Josie” CTL1-H
Pixel – Snowshoes’ 1 in a Million “Pixel”
Little Bit – Snowshoe’s Little Bit ‘O Fun
And those patiently waiting at the Rainbow Bridge:
Jug Head – CT-ATCH UACH “Jug Head” CGC, NJP, CL1-H, CTL1, CTL2, CTL3, CTL4-R, CTL4-F CTL4-H, RN, 2011 CPE Agility Nationals – 5th Place 12″ Enth Games
Libby – C-ATCH CS-ATCH5 U-GRACH WAG-ACH Little Miss “Libby” Liberty CGC, RN, AJP, MXP, NFP, TGIII, TIAD, S-TN-N, O-TN-O, NJC, S-NAC, NGC, WV-N, TG-N, NCC, Novice Versatility, CL3, CL4, ChCL, ChSN, SpChST, SpChFH, SpChCL, SpChWC, SpChSN, SpChJU, UKC All Star Finalist, UKC All Star AGIII Finalist – 2011, 2011 CPE Agility Nationals – HIT Reserve Standard 12″ Specialist and 2nd Place 12″ Specialist Games, 2011 AKC Agility Invitational Qualifier, 2011 AKC Agility – #3 Basset Hound, 2011 AKC Agility – #40 Hound Group, 2012 AKC Agility Invitational Qualifier, 2013 CPE Nationals – HIT Reserve Standard 12” Specialist and 2nd Place 12” Specialist Games, 2014 CPE Nationals Qualifier
Flirt – CT-ATE, CT-ATCH4, CS-ATCH, U-GRACH3 UKC CH WAG-ACH Olde Fashion Magnificent Seduction “Flirt” TGI, TBAD, RN, MXP2, MJP2, NFP, NAC, TN-N, WV-N, NCC, CLS1-H, CTL3, CTL4, TChST, TChCL, TChWC, TChFH, TChJP, TChSN, TChJU, TExST, TExSN, TExJU, TExCL, 2007 UKC Total Dog, UKC All Star Finalist, 2008 UKC All Stars-AGIII 3rd Place, UKC All Star GRACH Finalist – 2011, 2011 UKC GRACH All Stars – 3rd Place, 2008 CPE Nationals 2nd Place 8″ Enthusiast Games, 2011 CPE Agility Nationals – HIT 12″ Enth Standard and 3rd Place 12″ Enth Games, 2011 AKC Agility Invitational Qualifier, 2011 AKC Agility Invitational – Top Basset Hound, 2011 AKC Agility – #2 Basset Hound, 2011 AKC Agility – #29 Hound Group, 2012 AKC Agility Invitational Qualifier, 2013 CPE Naitonals – HIT Reserve Standard 12” Enthusiast, 2013 AKC Agility Invitational Qualifier, 2014 CPE Nationals Qualifier
Cheryl also shares her life with her husband Ken, and Leo the Cat.